Got the 'golden email' back in May… still waiting? What’s going on?

I’ve been searching this forum but couldn’t find an answer. I got the ‘golden email’ in May saying my loans qualified for forgiveness. I didn’t opt out, and they were supposed to notify my servicer on June 5, 2024. I’ve seen others who got their loans forgiven that same day, but not me. Now, with all the SAVE litigation going on, am I out of luck? Should I even bother calling MOHELA about this, or is it pointless?

Did you check the Federal Student Aid website ( to see what your balances show there? That’s where I’d start, instead of with your servicer. When mine got forgiven, it took a few weeks for both and my servicer to show the zero balance.

Yeah, I check regularly, and it still shows the full balance. Weirdly, my ‘Upcoming Payments’ box says I owe something on 3/17/2021… which makes no sense. Their systems seem off, and now it’s November, with no progress on the forgiveness I was supposed to get in June. I’m worried the litigation means I’ll never see it happen.

Here’s how mine went: I got the email on April 12, 2024, with an opt-out date of May 3, 2024. I didn’t opt out. On May 5, I got an email from my servicer (EdFinancial) saying I had a message in my inbox. The message didn’t mention forgiveness directly, but it had the subject ‘IDR Account One-Time Adjustment.’ It took a little over a month after that for my balance to reflect the discharge. Have you checked your MOHELA inbox? Maybe there’s a message you missed. If there’s nothing there, I’d try reaching out to MOHELA. They probably won’t be super helpful, but it’s worth a shot. Good luck!

Oh, and after everything was sorted, I had to fix my credit report. Two of the three credit agencies didn’t update my discharged balance until I filed a dispute. Keep that in mind when you get yours done.

Thanks for sharing! I was transitioning to the new MOHELA site around that time, so I wonder if that messed something up. I haven’t seen any messages from MOHELA about this, though. Just recently, I got an ‘updated’ payment schedule from them: 9 payments of $33.05, 3 payments of $8,592.31 (LOL), and 117 of $231. Ridiculous, right?

I guess I’ll try contacting them, but I’m not expecting much.

I was switched to the new MOHELA site around then, too! Do you think that’s why our loans didn’t get discharged, even though we got the email?

Same here. Got the email in May, but still no forgiveness. And now I’m stuck in this whole SAVE litigation mess. Ugh.