I received a suspicious letter from the Student Loan Assistance Department. Is this legitimate?

Hi there, This is just not feeling well to me. Final Notice at the top of the page and FINAL NOTICE on a blank envelope scared me.

When I typed in the phone number, 866-211-9485, into Google, nothing appeared. Nothing specifically related to this department appeared when I searched for student loan assistance department. It appears that the nslds.ed.gov website is only a student loan database. The Department of Education and the U.S. Department of Education are mentioned separately in the letter.

There is something really unsettling about all of this.

Is this official?


It is rubbish. In the fine print, they note that they are not linked with the government, that the services they offer are for a cost and may be provided for free by government agencies, and that the only “discount/lowered rate” comes from setting up autopay. Not to mention that the entire phrase reads like a sales pitch.


Yes, you never have to redeem federal benefits. There is also a department for sending out scams.


It looks like junk mail to me.