Should I cosign for my nephew's student loan?

My financially irresponsible brother asked if I could cosign on my nephew’s student loan. I didn’t get to ask how much it was for yet, but I’m assuming it’s under $10k. He and his wife have bad credit and were denied as cosigners because they have something in collections. I would have told them they’d probably be denied if they have stuff going to collections.

We have a good relationship overall, but I instantly got worried. I make around $40k a year and live a modest life. I am barely getting by as it is, and the US economy doesn’t seem to be forgiving at the moment. Gas alone is killing me. I work a full-time job and a side hustle just to manage my own debt (I had to dip into my emergency fund after some car and dental work). A $7-10k loan is a pretty big ask.

I’m not totally convinced of my nephew’s financial maturity or his academic performance. I love my family, and I know my brother must be desperate to ask, but my gut instinct is to tell him no. Any advice would be appreciated. :smiling_face_with_tear:

Becoming a cosigner on a student loan can help someone afford higher education by securing a lower interest rate, which can lead to significant savings.

Please don’t sign. Your nephew may elect to attend a community college and use his part-time job to cover the remaining costs. Don’t jeopardize your future so he can attend college.

NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO, you are responsible if your nephew declines to pay. Never sign with another person.

Yes. The fact that he might not be able to attend college is just so tragic. I didn’t even discuss the finer points with my brother, but I still wanted to give it some serious thought and analyze the advantages and disadvantages. My first reaction is to say no. That’s a serious debt, and my credit is really good. It simply seems like too big of a gamble.